Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[240, " fore, thofe Noblemen and Gentlemen `` to be occupied in the MAINTAIN- " ANCE of the GooD MINISTERS, by " their Authority, againft the Enemies " of Religion, and in the Affairs of the Commonwealth, to hold them- " felves contented with their Rents, and not to invade our Calling, but " to fuffer us to till the Ground, ex- " cept fo much as may ferve for the Provifion of their Houfe ; that thefe " greedy Farmers ` would employ all " their Induftry and Diligence in the " good Husbandry of one Farm, that " it may yield greater Profit than before, and that every Landlord " would lay to his Cottage, where it " may be a good Portion of Land, to " be occupied by the Cottinger, and none `other ;' and becaufe Prayer " will not prevail with all, we delire " that by Law they may be compell'd " to do as they ought to do ; for we " truff that the plentiful Preaching of `` the 'Nord, with a Statute to take " down the Pride in Apparel, will " perfuade the Landlords to fet a rea- " fonable Price of their Farms and " Cottages; and as thefe Evils, before " rehearfed, bites fore, even to the ``` Bone, yet the Sting of Ignorance is " a thoufand times worfe, which, above 8G 41