Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[241j " all we delire to be cured. Amen." This fame complaining Commonality make very free with 'Property, in their Complaint it fell, where they infift, not only that the Impropriation, but the Right of 'Patronage fhould be given up to the Church. What, fay they, " belongeth to God that is kept from " him ? Even that which appertaineth " unto his Church, to wit, Preten- " tations and Impropriations. We have a further Confirmation of the feveral Particulars before-mention- ed, in another Paper, drawn up, as it Teems, by Lord Keeper Puckering 'Tis preferv'd in the 4th Volume of Mr. Strype's Annals, pag. 140. As this Relation proceeds from fo eminent a Perfon, who had no private Intereft in fupporting the Ecclefiaftical Eutablifh- ment ; and as it _plainly appears by a Letter from Mr. Cartwright to him Strypes Ann. ( likewife preferved by Mr. Strype) Vol. IV. p. 2n. that he was far from being an Enemy to the Perfns of the Puritans, how- ever dangerous he thought their Opi- nions and Praóices, the Teftimony of fuch a Man will obtain great Regard and Credit. The whole Difcourfe is too long to be tranfcribed, however Mr. N's Example in abridging Ihall not be follow'd ; but all that is quot- R ed