C 24? ed lhall bp in the very Words of the Author, which are as follow. Two Kindsof Schifmaticks, and the Danger of their Opinions, either dl- realy, or by neçejjary Confeguence ga- ther'd, to be holden by thofe who urge a new church government, commonly called Puritans. Thefe be of two Sorts ; firft, force that will communi- cate with us in Trayers, sermons, and Sacraments. Secondly, Others that will not Thefirft Sort hold Opinions dangerous ; frji, to her Majefty and the Croz¢an, or, fecondly, to the State, or to the Policyof the Realm. The Opinions efpecially touchingher Majefty and the Crown, are either againft, firft, the Revenues ; or, fe- condly, her flighnefs's `Prerogative and Supremacy ; or, thirdly, the Prince's Safety in the Kingdom. Their Opinion againft the Revenues of the . Crown. That the detaining of the ¶óffeons of Religious IIoufes and lmpropriàtions (being given once to the Church) is Sacrilege, and ought to be refiored: to the Church again ; that the Miniflers and others of the Eccle- fiaftical Function ought to, be exempt from paying fr i Fruits,. tenths,, Sub- Tidies,