Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 243 fidies, and other Impofitions, like as the prie/ls of Egypt were, even under a Reathen King. Their Opinion againft thePrerogative and Supremacy They take away all Gifts of BiJhopricksand Deanries from her Majefty, by diffblving them. They take away all patronages from her Maje/ly and other., and her Hignefs's Patronage Paramount, for Benefices lapfed. For they make all Eccleíiafti- cal Functions fneerly eleElive by the People or their Elderfhips. When the Supremacy was juftly re- ftored to the Crown, one chief fuper- eminency was, that the laßAppellation, in all Ecclefiaítical Caufes, was to be made to the King in the Chancery. This they take away ; for they make theAppellation from an Elderfhip Con- fftory, to a Colloquy, or Conference ; from thence to a provincial Synod ; and laftly, to a national ; and That to be final. They deny the Prince's Authority in making Laws Ecclefaftical ; which they do attribute to their Synod. Tho' in Words they will not deny the Oath of Supremacy, yet in very Truth they take it away for they fay, fhe is fupreme Governor over' all Perfonss, and all Caufes Ecclefiattical, R 2 but