Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 244] but not [in Caufes Ecclefiaflical] for they attribute no more to her but to eflablifh their Difcipline, and to de- fend them fromTime to Time in the Execution of it, which is Nuda pote- fias fagli & non juris ; an Authority attributed by the Papifts unto their Princes. That her Majefly being a Child of the Church, is ficbjea to the Cenfures of Excommunication by their Elder- ihip, as well as any other People ; and that no Man ought to aid, comfort, falute or obey an excommunicate Perfon ; and that fo long as one is excommuni- cated, he cannot exercife his Magi- ft racy. That all Perfons, as well as meaner Perfons, m2 willingly be ruled and gocern'd, and mull obey thofe whom God bath fet over them, that is, the juft Authority of Ecclefiaflical Magi flrates ; and mull lick the Duft off the Feet of the church. That the Elderlhip and Synods are to call and proclaim publick Falls That the Offices of this Church of England are invented by the Magi- strate, and fo no Members of Chrift's Body. That file doth injure the Church, to keep the true Officers out. That the maimeth and deformeth the Body of