Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 245 of Chrift. That every Chriftian Ma- gifIrate. is bound to receive this Go- vernment by Paftors, Doctors, :Elders, and Deacons, into the Church, with- in his Dominions, whatfoever Inconve- nience may be like to follow the re- ceiving of it. That thofe who with- fland it, hold it to be lawful, for her Majefty and the State, to bid God to Battle againft them ; and that they make our Prince and Governor wage War againíf God. That thefefour Officers are now the only true Members, that is, the only true Officers of the vifible Body of Chrift So that her Majef}y, nor any other but thefe, is a true Officer, or Member, in the vifible Body of the Church, by this Affertion. That the higheft Ecclefiaftical Au- thority in all Matters of the Church, is belonging to their Elderfhip. Againft her Majefly's Safety in the Kingdom. That the Government of the Church is Ariflocratical or Popular ; and that the Government of the Commonwealth muff be framed according to the Go- vernment of the Church ; even as the Hangings to the Church, [the Houfe.] R 3 Againft