Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 246, ] Againft the State and Policyof the Realm. ----That the judicial Law ofMofes, for punilhing divers Sins by Death, is in Force, and ought to be obferved in every Commonwealth, as commanded by God ; and therefore, that, no Prince nor Law can, or ought to fav'e the Lives ofwilful Offenders, not offending by Ignorance only : Nor of Blafphe- mers ofGod's Name ; nor of Conjurers., Soothfayers, Perforis poffefs'd with an Evil Spirit, Hereticks, perjured Per- Ions, wilful breakers of the . Sabbath- Day, Negleuers of the Sacraments, without juft Reafon ; difobedient. to Parents, or that cafe them ; ince iuous Perfons ; a Daughter committing For. nication in her Father's Houfç ; Adul- terers all incontinent Perfons, Paving fogle Fornicators ;, and all, Confpira- tors againft any Man's Life. That Lex talionis, that is,, an. Eye for an Eye, a Hand for a HaQd, &c. ought to be obferved of Neceility in every Commonwealth. That ail Mat- ters arifing in their feveral Limits, (tho' they, be meet Çivi1andTar/NO) if there may happen to, bee Breach of Charity, or Wrong, be Qífer'd by ong unto another, may and ought tobe con- poled