Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

c 247 3 poled by the Elderfhip : And he that shall refufe to be órder'd, is to be ex- communicated. That not only the State Ectiejiafti- cal, being oke of the Three in Par- liament, may, but aif° ought to be ctit off. That it is aniawflei for any State to tolerate the prefent Government Eccle- fducal. That it is falfe, unlawful, baflardly, unchri/tian. That none Can be a good And found Si bjëó that dé- fends it. That they are Traytors to God and his Word,, that do fo. That they are all Enemies to her Majefly and the Land. That they are to. áO.= forer for the Brood,, Which the Spa- niard, tir any other Enemies are like to 441: That they bring in Hazard her `Maje-ily's Life, and the Profperity of the whole Kingdori,' and are the greateft Enemies- it bath. That her Majefty, and het People, are fediteed out of the right Way. That Miñffers, of Duty, not only may, but oitgbt` to deterMine and" dë- cr`ee of all, both Civil and Ecclef aíli- cal Ca-des ; tho' not of the very Faa, as Civil Magiflrates. do, yet touthing theRight, and what the Law is : For that thereof tahey'are appointed of God' to be Äd"misifrr tors. R 4 The