[ 248 ] The fecond Sort of Puritans now call'd Barrowzfs. They do hold all the former Pofi- tions ; and befides, they alfo hold thefe Errors following. I. That it is not lawful to ufe the Lord's Prayer publickly in the Church for a fet Form of Prayer. 2. That all fet and ftinted Prayers are weer Bab- bling in the Sight of the Lord ; and not to be ufed in publick Chriftian Af -- femblies. 3. That the publick Prayers and Worship ofGod, in England, as it is by Law, in the Church of England, eflabliih'd, is falfe, fuperftitious, Po- pith, and not to be ufed in any Chri- ftian Congregation. 4. That the Church of England, as it is now eftablilh'd, is no true Member of the Church of Chrill. 5. That the Government of the Church of England, as it is now eftablilh'd, is no lawful Government, nor Chrilian, but Antichriftian, and Popifh. 6. That the Sacraments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper, as they are adminiier'd in the Church of Eng- land, be not true Sacraments. 7. That Infants ought not to be baptiz'd accord- ing to the Form of Baptifm, admini- itred in the Church of England, but are rather to be kept unbaptiz'd. And that