Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 249 ] that fuch as have been baptiz'd, ac- cording to that Form, are not rightly baptiz'd. 8. That the Laws Ecclefia- ftical, that are eftablii*h'd by Authority of the Queen and Realm, be not law- ful. 9. That if the Prince or Magi- ftrate do refute, or defer to reform fuch Faults as are amifs in the Church, the People may take the reforming of them into their own Hands, before, or with- out his Authority. z o. That the Presbytery and Elderíhip may, for forme Caufes, after Admonition, (if there en- fue no Reformation) excommunicate the Queen. i r. That the Church of England, (as it flandeth now by Law efabliih'd) profeffeth not a true Chrift, nor true Religion. That it bath no Miniflers indeed, nor Sacraments in- deed ; and therefore they will com- municate with us, neither in Prayer nor Sacraments ; nor come to our Churches, which they call ¶opifh ¶arifh .Afjêm- blies. Thus farthe Lord Keeper. After fuch a View of their Scheme, their Re%lution to have it introduced, and per/ecute for it, after it was intro- duced their Defign tofirip theCrown of its Rights and Prerogatives, and to deprive private Perfons of their Proper- ty; in íhort, to alter the whole Confti- tution