Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 25.0 ] tution of theKingdom After all this; it cannot , furprize any Mari, that the Government defended it fell againff their violent Attempts. Since one of the two mutt fall, either the Congitn- tion, or the Geneva Platform,,' 'tis no Wonder, if the natural Principle of Se f defence, and a juif Regard to the ,pttblickWefare, put awife Government upon proper Mean& to fe-cure it felt The Cohfequence of this was cleptivitig fome of them of that Liberty which they abizfed to theThfltirbance of the &late: Ands in a few bnflances,= pro- ceeding to heavier Pun=ithmenits againit the moft troubkforto and dangerous of the Party. Whd we- have gone orie Step farther, and laid a' few of their ?hreatnings before' the Reade'r,. he will fOon fudge, whether they them- 'elves did not compel the Góvey imont, thus to provide' for the' Publiek Safety; by proceeding a.gaii4 them. In the Epistle pretxt to the Suppli- cation to the Parliament, we find thefe Words. " The G'lory ofGod: is not " fo regarded amongl Men as it ought " tobe. The Paarli ment hafih hitheitó " rejected this Caufe'. " And to give the deeper Inmpreífions upon this Head; 'tis added; a little'after-- `c Aro they " po e ùl- and migbty, by.P whoa* this c` Suit