Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

Ç 253 , Truth, they fhould not keep them- " felves in Corners, but Mould thew C6 themfelves publickly to defend the " fame; but he [DanielBuck] thought " that unfit, left it might be a Means to flit a Rebellion. What Conftrudion can be put upon all this, but that Force and Violence was to introduce that Holy Difcipline, which Petitions, and even Admonitions to the Parliament could not effeóually recommend. Thus, in another admi- red Performance, " Remember, that Demonfi of " one Dayyou mull be prefentedbefore tthatTrir. Pit cc the Tribunal Seat of Jefus Chrift, to&c. with a cc be arraign'd for all the Souls that Dtethe fudicationto fed cc have gone to Hell (feeing you willGovernoppors of cc needs be the Rulers of the Church) the Church " fince the Gofpel firft appear'd in this of England. " Land. Then íhall you not be excu " fed with this, The ,Queen and Coun- " cil will have it fo. -- The Truth cc will prevail in Jpite of your Teeth, cc and all other Adverfaries unto it, cc (for God difdaineth to be croft by cc Duft and Allies) therefore be not " obflinate fo long as you will be found " Fighters with God, but prevent his Wrath, left it breakforth againflyou " like Fire, that none can quench, be- " caute of the Wickednefs of that In yention. Such Threatnings and Decla-