[2h] the Magi rgte, told thePeople, "That '` if, every Hair .of their Head was a " Life, it opght to be offer'd in De- " fence of fuçh -a Caufe". Another of them, (viz. Payne) in a Letter writ- ten to his Friend, fays, " It is more strype's Life " than time, to xegif e. r the Names of of whitgift, cc theflue. and bottef Brethren rounds 333-4 " about their feveral Dwellings, where- " by to put Suecanus's good Couufel cc in Execution vii. If theMagiftrate cc will not, then to eret it thexnfelves® I z this Toint (faith he) we have " dolefully fail'd whichnow or never " ítandeth us. in Hand to profecute with all Celerity, without lingring and " flaying fo long for Farliamoits, " where Bithoply Aduerfäries bear the greateft Sway in God's. Matters." Another braggeth,, " of a Hundred " Thou/and ,dads and, witheth the " Parliain;ent to, bring in this. Refor- " oration,. tho' it be by withfanding " the Queen's Majeíty. " Another of thefe Miniflers (Snape ) ask'd this Queí}ioP, What wiltyou fay,; if we " overtbrow the Bishops and all that `` Góvernment in alma Vey ? But (faith. " he); it will not be yet in a Twelve " Month and'.. a Half, Another (Cods) " fo. waxed h tnfelf. thereof,, by fin e `6 Plot cputriVed: by them, as that he " writeth.