256 writeth toknow, howBifhops, Deans, Archdeacons, Chancellors, Advo. `` cates, Proóors, and Regifters, &c. cc may, under the Reformation, be fo " provided for, that the Common- " wealth be not pefter'd with Beg- " gars; Again (faith he) buckle with " the Bifhops ; MASSACRE thefe MAL- cc KIN'S Miniflers. Another of them (Wright) thus : " Let the Devil and " his Deputies, the Bithops, do what cc they can : In the mean time let " us take our 'Pennyworth of them, " and not die in their Debts." 'Twas obferved further, as the fame Au- thor informs us, " that this was the of Whitgift, cc Con t orian `ijo trine ; that in this p. z64. . `` very Cafe, Subje&s might withiland " their Prince : That the Miniílers, " after due Admonition, might excom- " municate him, as an Enemy againf " the Kingdom of Chrift. That being " fo excommunicate, the People might cc punith him. It was pretty early in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth that they advanced thefe Maxims. The Friends of the Proteftant Eílabliíhment had endea- voured, by arguing upon the Topicks of Obedience and Concord, to perfuade them to a peaceable and quiet Behavi- our ; to which Arguments the follow- ing