Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 257 ] ing Anfwer is made. " They talk of Part of a Re- " Obedience and Concord, but there isTñner;s ó4° cc no Obedience againft the Lord, nor cc any Concord to be defired, but " where God's Glory and Verity is pre- " ferr'd ; elfe better to have all the " World to run in burly burly, and " Heaven and Earth to fhake, than cc one jot of God's Glory thould decay, " fo far as in us lieth. For the Reader's farther Satisfation it may not be improper to lay before him the following Paper, preferved by Mr. Strype. This Piece (which con- tains an Account both of their PRINCI-N's Hiftory PLES and BEHAVIOUR) is found in Mr.P.$9s- Strype'sAppendix to the Life of Whit- gift, pag. 138. under the following Title. The Do&rine, with fome Pratices of fitndry troublefome Plinifters in Eng- land, tending to the erecting a new pretended Difcipline, and to the Overthrow of her Majefy's Govern- ment, and Prerogative, as well in Caufes Civil as Ecclefiaftical. H I S (a) Difcipline, is a Govern- (a) Difciplim ment in all Caufes Ecclefiaftical , na Sacra by a 7?oEior, `PaJtor, governing Elders, Synodica. Deacons, andRelievers, or Widows in S every