t 258 every Parifh. And by s 2 Minifters to- gether for a Claffis, or Conference By certain Minifters and Elders out of zq Claffes for a Provincial Synod or Council ; and by certain like, chofer out of every Province, to make a Na- tional Synod, or General Affembly. . In the defcribing and handling of this Difcipline, in Books of that Mat- ter (betides their grofs Abfurdities in Divinity, and Confafions, and Impoffi- bilities in Policy) they do impugn her Majefty's Royal Prerogative, and Go- vernment. (4) Ibidem& Firfi, by (b) taking away Nomina omnes reli- tiens qui. 2o to Bifhoprick. änd`Deznries, and her Right of Advowfons originally, and Patronage Paramount upon Lapfes of inferior Benefices. Difciplina Secondly, By (e) giving to their fse- Synodica.Tit al Alterably, the lait Appellation in deConventib. :d Admonit_CaUfeS Ecclefafical, which is now 1'14' P. D' f-made to her Highnefs in her Chancery. cipim. Galli- ca, Tit. des Thirdly, By taking to themfelves Synodes nati- Authority to make Laws Ecciefiafti- 7x Th Art. eolog. s: cal. For they fay, That (d) the Su- Fenneri, cumpreme Authority, in all Matters Eccle- Epiftola T.C. faftical, belongeth to their Elden(hips, Pre,. p. 2:7. and other Affemblies. Book of lez New That the Policy (e ) of the Church; Common appertaineth to Minifters and Seniors ?rayer "'And '(f) that without Injury to the (Î) T. C. eplic..p.74. Minifter,,