[259] Miniíler, the cannot fo much as pre fcribe him the Form of his Apparel. Another of them addcth, (g) That(g) Soldier of by the fame Authority, that the Queen Gatwick commandeth the one ( i. . Mniflers prefat. .4, ¢. Apparel) the may command any Piece of Papery, fo that the call it Po/icy. But Jofias and E.zekias knew no fuck Authority. Fourthly, By (h) attributing to her (h) suecanus Highnefs and her Magiftrates no moreP.442. J. B. than the Papifls do, pote/latem fczcii ''b 2. a > won )uris in caufis eeclefiaflicis, viz. Ecc;efiattic. That which they determine to be Law P X93' 97 9s, and Right, the Prince and her O cers shall fee it put in Executions politically. Fifthly, (i) By giving to their Affem-(t) Dircipt: blies Power to call Synods when they sc CQi,vnC. think good. Ecci.j Sixthly (k) By making her Hghnefs (k) Wai.Tra- fubje t to the Cenfures and .Excommu- f Eccleí; i nicatio;s of their Elderfhips, and other pp; c. cu tmc; Affembl ies. P. I42' For elfe (l) the cannot be a Ghil(P). Counter- of the Church. po f 174. 2. They likewife, by their Plot, (hake the Safety of her Majefty, and of the Realm, (m) by making certain Magi -(,n) Theo?. rates in every Commonwealth (as i'enner, 186. God's Inflitution) who (hall have Au.- thority to depofe their Sovereign, ei-i S 2 ther