[ 26o Cher by War, or otherwife, if he feem to them to break the Covenant, as the Ephori in Laccedemon had. (n) Ibid. Secondly, By (n) teaching, that the p. X67. Prince ought not to determine any Matter of Weight without the pub- lick Affembly of all the States of the Land. to) T. c. RE- Thirdly, (o) By teaching, that the ply, p. 646. Government of the Commonwealth mutt be framed to the Government of the Church, as the Hanging to the Houfe. (p) Omnes And (p) they make the Church anius Seaa:. Government partly popular, of all the People, and partly Oligarchical, of a few Minifters and Elders. 3. Again, they impair the Revenues of the Crown. (q) Comp.. Firfl, By teaching (q) that Things of the com-once confecrated to God, for the Ser- snonalty, c. b. vice of the Church, belong to him (r) i Aamo- for ever ; calling the (r) having of nit. p. 13. Learned DiiImpropriations and Abbey-Lands, Sa- conrfe P. S4.. crilege. (.) Wal. Tra- Secondly, (s) by urging an Immti- srers Ecclef. nit of the Revenues of Perfons Eccle- Difcip.p. 87. y b. and 88. b. fia/lical from publick Impofitions. For cum Epilfol.they call it in us Impiety, Barbarouf- T. C. Prxfix`nefs and Covetoufuefs, worfe than the Heathens, not to fet the Ì'rief's Pof- feíhon free, as the Kings of Egypt did their Prie,fls, and call all yearly Ec- clefiaftical