r 262 the Scriptures, by which aforefaid they tale from her Maidly, and draw to themfelves all the Prerogative Royal and Cxou'ernrzent, as well in Civil as Ecclefìaafical Caufes. 5. They alfo deprave the jufice of the Realm, and Lords of the Council, ( /l)Epia.be. as writing thus : (del) " I will not in lore the Eeok (c this Place charge our Council, with termeá, Re-" formation no that which followed], &c. namely, Enemy tothe" that they execute no judgment, no, Slat`, p 4' f'" not the Judgment of the Fatheriefs. " But this I will fay, that they cannot ce pofflibly deal truly in the Matter of (4 Jufticc between Man and Man ; in fomuch, as they bend all their For- `` ces to bereaf Jefus Chrift of that " Right which he bath in the Govern- " ment of his Church ; by which un- godly and wicked Courfe, as they " have held on, ever fince the Begin- ce ning of her Majefly's Reign ; fo at " this Day, they have taken greater Boldnefs, and grown more rebellious `' againft the Lord and his Caufe, than " ever they were. All thefe Mifchiefs, notwithf}and- ing, they take the Matter very in- (a) Epae to dignantly: 'That their (a) Suits to the Denton- Parliaments, Supplications to Convoca- ftratïon. Lions, writing in Defence of it, and challenging to difpute for it, have not pre-.