263 ] prevailed : Yet, they fay, it fhall pre; vail; (b) Maigre the Queen, Council,(b) Reforma- tion noRue- (c) and all that hand againft it my, b. r. To bring to pafs, that it may fo pre-(0 Epiale to th vail, they have penn'd a Book of Dif- th. ea e D ntt. emo cipline, partly term'd Holy, partly Synodical, (d) containing Rules of (d) Difcipïi- their Elderfhips, Claffes, Synods Pro -syn da. vincial and National, of Publick Pray- ers, and Adminiftration of Sacraments, &c. wholly innovating, and changing all Laws, Common and Ecclefìaftical,. concerning Church Matters and Per- fons, without once naming the Chriflian Magifrate, or his Authority. To this Book they have procured the (e) Subfcriptionof many Minifters ; ac-(e)Subfcripti- onola[Tis cording to a Set Form of Articles : of LíarfaCmick, And it is to be fear'd, even of fo many andof aClaf- s of Nor Minifters, befides others in feveraltfhampton. Countries of the Realm, as be fasti- oufly affeóed ; in that their Subfcrip- tion, among other Things, (f) they(f) Ibidem. promife to further and advance that qDifcipline, not only by Suit to the Queen's Majefty, the Council, and Par- liament, but by all other lawful and convenient Means, and to guide them- felves, and to be guided by it, and ac- cording to it ; what by thofe other law- ful Means they underhand, meet it were to be conûder'd. S 4 In