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r 264 In Performance of this their Promife, they have for force Years paff, fet out their Claffes and Synods of Miniflers ; and (according to the faid Book) have met in Claffes every fix Weeks, in a `flrovincialSynod, every half Year : In a General, or National Affembly (at London, Cambridge, or Oxford) every Year once ; and at Parliament Times. (g) A&aC1af- In fuch (g) their Af emblies, they iic. Warwick, have concluded and decreed, as is al- Ann. rs88. lib/ fit rnentio ready come to Light, many Points in Claf s habits Condemnation of the prefent State, Cantabrigra. Laws Ecclefiaflical, and Book of Com- mon Prayer ; and for the Exercife and Petting forward of their new Difcipline. Amongother Things, they have con- (h) Ibidem in eluded (h) that their Difcipline is to be taught to the People upon every Oc- cafion : That (as yet) the People are not to be flirr'd up publickly to the Pra6lice of this Difcipline, until they be better inflruaed in the Knowledge of it : Albeit, fuch as be of a riper and forwarder Sort, are privately to be al- lured to the prefent Exercife of it among themfelves. According to this Determination, they have not ceafed in private and publick Speeches and Writings, to de- prave the prefent Laws, Governors, and Government Ecclefiaftical, and to teach