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265 j teach and extol their own Difcipline; thereby to prepare. before Hand the People's Minds. Seeing then it mull (as they fay) r) prevail, maigre all Withítanders ; (i) (;.) Suhfcrsp the and they mention other Means to ad- 6k Dif- vance it, betides Suit to the Queen's cipline. Majefty, the Council, and Parliament ; and in one Book, it is wifh'd (k) that(f)Mpitome the Parliament would bring it in, tho' it were by withftanding her Majefty : What can thofe Means be, but the Profecution (by Force and Rebellion) of that Plot, which Men of the fame Humour have defcribed, and follow'd in the like Cafe. For they (l) bragm enior ofan hundred thoufand Hands, to offer a Supplication ; which he faith, in Policy, would not be rejeóted ; efpeci- ally, ftanding thus in Danger of our Enemies abroad : (m) That Thou-(m) Motion lands ugh for it, and ten thoufands {i,wi,th :u'.'mif- p 39° hahave fought for it, and approved ; and worthy Men of all Shires, have con- fented to it. That (n) fome of thefe (n) Matters are fuch, as if every Hair ofpw' P.44. our Head were a Life, we ought to afford them, in Defence of them. In (o) their Letters they begin to(o) )nn Lord :o take Care, how fuch as they difplace, by their Reformation, as Bifhops, Deans, &c. may be -provided for, fo as the Com-