[ 266 3 Commonwealth be not pefler'd with (p) Lord. Beggars. They (p) animate one ano- ther thus. Buckle with the Bifhop. 0) Wright. Maffacre thefe Malkin Tiniflers, (q) let us take our pennyworths of them, and not dye in their _`Debt. (r) Snape. (r) One of them ask'd this Queflion, What will you fay, if we overthrow the Bithops, and that Government, all in one Day ? (f) Epiille to They write, (s) that if it come in the Demon - by fuch Means, as will make your ßration. Hearts ake, you muff blameyour(elves. (t) Payne to And (t) That it is more than Time to F/uJ. regi/ler the Names of the fittefl and hottefl Brethren, round about their fevered Dwellings, whereby to put Suecanus's Godly Counfelin Execution, viz. 1f theprince will not, then to erect it themfelves. " In which Point (faith " he) we have dolefully fail'd, which " now or never flandeth us in Hand " to profecute with all Celerity, with- " out lingring and flaying fo long for `` parliaments. As they do publish thefe Things in u) A Book their Books to the World, to poffefs of common-Mens Minds thereby ; fo by a (u) Bill Prayer, with preferr'd to the Parliament, for Con- 3 Bill put uP firmation of a new Book of Common- in the lower Route ofPar- prayer, they desire to have it alfo liament Ann. enacted thus : That as much of allfor- ty D. Regi- me nunc. mer