Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 267 J mer Laws, Cuffoms, Statutes, Ordi- nances, and Conflitutions, as limit, e/tablifh, and fet forth to be used, any other Service, Adminifiration of Sacra- ments, Common-Prayers, Rites, Cere- monies, Orders, or Government of the Church, within this Realm, or any otheryour Majefty's Vominions, or Coun- tries, be from henceforth utterly void, and of none _Wed. By which they wholy bereave the Queen's Highnefs of her Government and Prerogative Royal, both in Civil and Ecclefiaftical Caufes, and convey it over to their Church Af.Ìemblies. Thusfar .the fore- faidAuthor. 'Tis a great Confirmation of the fore- going Account, that theHoule of Com- mons, as well as theHoufe of Lords, in neither of which they wanted Friends, made an Ad of Parliament for the 35 Erz. " preventing and avoidingof fuchgreat Lap. z S Inconveniencies andPerils, as might cc happen and grow by the wicked and dangerous Pra ticesoffeditiousSeca- " ries, and difloyal Perfons. Mr. M. indeed, isfo thoro' anAdvocate for the Puritans, that he ventures tode- fend, or ratherapplaud thisPart of their ConduL`t, bycomparing it with the Pro- Pliant Reformation., SirFrancis Wal- tngham