268 Jngham juifly accufed them of not at tending the Confent of the Magifrate for theEflablifhment oftheir Platform;. to which Mr. N. makes a remarkable Anfvver, not by denying the Charge, but by alledging, they did attend, and apply for it feveral Tears; and for thofe feveral Years they were confeífed- ly treated with great Indulgence and Favour, " Except fome few that en- " ter'd into extream Contempt, as " Sir F. TW himfelf alledges, they were " borne with, becaufe theypretended in `` dutiful manner to make Propofitions, " and to leave it to the Providence of " God, and the Authority of the Ma- giflrate." But this Defenceof Mr. N's is a Confe ion, that, after thofe feveral Years of quiet Application were over, they did proceed to other Methods ; even thofe mention'd by Walfingham, of Defamation, Uproar and Violence. This is direCly Sir EWalfìngham's Af- fertion, that they were quiet at All, but grew troublefome and dangerous at laft. And yet tho' Mr. N. allows and juílifies this their ConduC, he flatly contradicts that upright Man, and very ungeneroufly loads his Memory with the Charge ofJalfe Colourings. To make out this Charge, Mr. N. ihould have proved, that they always behaved like peace-