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[ 270 3 they thought bell, but obtruding their own Platform upon the Nation, ofa- blifhing it under fevere Penalties, and abolifing every other Manner of Wor- Chip. Sure the Content of the Magi- firate is to be attended in fuch an Affair as this; the eftablithing a Publick Re- ligion, and appointing(harpPZtnifhments againftVifenters from it. 'Tis allow- ing lets to the civil Powers in Matters ofReligion, than even the LordShafts- bury does; not to grant them the Choice of the publick Woríhip. His Chara1t.voz,r.Words are very remarkable. " To de- " ny the Magiftrate a Worthip, or take " away a National Church, is as meer " Enthufrafm, as the Notion which " fets up Perfecution." Have not the Civil Powers as much Right to chufe what lhall be the publick eftablifh'd Religion, as a private Perlon can have to chufe his private and particular Re- ligion? How otherwife can a publick Worfhip be fix'd upon, but by publick Authority ? unlefs we are to fuppofe a Colony from Geneva is to give the Law in every State and Kingdom ; and if the Legiflative Powers can't approve their Scheme, and confent to it, then to in- troduce and tfablifh it themfelves, in Oppofition to the Government, by Slan- der, Fanion and Force. According to the