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272 thefe Innovations, had their feparate " religiousMeetings, and more private- " ly had exercifed their Difcipline " hitherto ; but now they break out " in Northamptonfhire and Warwick- " fhire, to aet thefe Matters more open- ` ly, to the making of great Hubbubs " and Vilurbances, by their Endea- " your of Petting it up in PARISH " CHURCHES'" Thefe Proceedings to introduce their Geneva Difcipline into the Parifh Churches, was after the , Senfe of the Legiflature was known, by refitting to obey their Admonitions. Af- ter this, Mr. Fuller gives an Account of Church H,ft them in London. " The three great Lib. IX. '" Societies, Parliament, Convocation, P.173, 175 " and A,f.Ïembly of .Minifiers, were bu- " fly employ'd : The two former of " them avouched by Law, the third cc avouching itfelf. The certain Place " of their conveningnot known, being " clandeftine, arbitrary, and changea- " ble, as advifed by their Convenien- " cies; they are better difcover'd by their moving, than by their meeting; and their Practices more confpicuous than their Places--- The Seffion of Parliament broke off wherewith end- ed the Afembly of the Minifiers and now all of them had leave to depart to their own Homes ; other- cc wife, CC Cc CC cc cc cc