Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[273 J C` wife, _Inch Members thereof as for- " merly went awaywithout leave were " obnoxious to Cenfure. Witnefs one " .of them in his ingenuous Confef%on. " Touching my Departure from thatIbid. p. I77 " Holy4ffembly, &c. without leave, &c. " I crave Pardon, &c." In like Man- ner, we find them affembling at Cam- bridge, &c. making Orders and .f,De- Strype's Life crees for the Government of their or Wh;tg,t, Churches ; " and (fays the fame Fliflo-p' 3 7. " rian) without leave of the temporal. " Rulers, feting up a derent Manner cc ofGovernment oftheir own for Ecele- fiaflical Matters, andmany Minifters, cc even Incumbents of Livings, had fub- mitted thereto, an were Parts of cc their Synods." It appears farther, by the Examination upon Oath before the Star Chamber, that none of thefeamination Miniflers of Parifhes were admitted toup0° a Bill thefe Meetings, till they had fubfcribedc `mberStar to the Difcipline. " And that the Life of Whit- " Claflis [i. e. each Member] in Mor -gift' Append. `` thampton bound themfelves to bep' Is9' 6`. g` order'd and cenrured by the Clafïs, `` in Matters of Doctrine and Difci- `` pline. That they drew up cer- " tain Articles not only for Appro- bation, but TJfe of the Treatife of Difcipline." And, what induced the 'Government to proceed againilc` hem, they