C 274 " they promis'd (as this Examinant " fwears) the Pra&ice thereof, fo far " as the prefent State of the Church would fuffer; that is, TILL the Ma- cc giflrate ENFORCE them to leave. 'Twere eafy to fwell the Account, both of the abufive Language, and ille- gal faElious Behaviour of the fecond Generation ofPuritans, which Mr. Ful- ler calls Fierce and Fiery, who fuc- ceeded the moderate and peaceableEx- iles; but as there is no Defign toaggra- vate thefeMatters, what is already faid will be fufficient to fupport Sir F. Wal fzngham's Affertion (if fuch an Autho- rity needs any Support) " that the " Comminations, Uproar, Violence and " Fa&ion of the 'Puritans compel,d " the State to hold fomewhat harder " Hand, to reftrain them ; tho' yet (as " that great and good Man continues) " with as great Moderation as the " Peace of the Church or State could " permit. But here twoQueftions will probably be ask'd : The one, why the Govern- ment did not make force Alterations, to oblige and quiet the Puritans ? The other, if an Fflablifhment could not be granted them, why, at leaft, theyhad not a Legal Toleration ? As to the making