Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 27 a making Alterations in favour of the Puritans, it was extreamly difficult, up- on many Accounts. There were warm People, of other Perfu.afions, that de- fired different Alterations. The grati- fying one Party had only been encreafing the Importunity of others. It was the wife Maxim of the Queen's Govern- ment, to preferve a Medium among them all ; and, having once formed a moderate and comprehenfive Eftablifh- ment, to fupport that, againft the At- tacks of thofe who were for introdu- cing a particular Scheme. 'Tis eafy for Mr..N or any other Gentleman, to draw Plans of Churches andEftabliíh- ments, or invent Methods to change or to fubvert anddeftroy them. But when thefe Schemes, which Teem mighty plaufible in a. private Study, come to be laid before the Publick, and attempted to be put in Execution, Difficulties and Dangers unforefeen commonly arire, to interrupt their Succe/s, and difap- point, at leaft, if not ruin the Authors of them. The Opinions, the Pal?ons, theInterefts of Mankind, are not fo eali- ly reconciled and conduced, as is fome- times imagin'd. Nor is it fo eafy a Mat- ter to change and alter the eftablijh'd Religion of a Country. It is, beyond Difpute, incumbent upon everyGovern- T z ment,