[ 28o] `c whom he fhall command, fall to fuch " Difference, as the Governor continu- " ing his Courfe by the ordinary Rules " eftablifh'd, and the Perfons underneath `` him fhall not only forbear to follow " his Directions, but shall, among them- " (ekes, condemn them, and fhall de- " rife others of their own Imagination ; " yea, fhall, among themfelves, devife " a NEW Variety of Orders, fo as they " fhall even, among themfelves, CON " TEND about their own Inventions, " not agreeing one Part with another ; " yea, fhall I add, that which her Ma- " jefly findeth to be too true, if force " fhall, when they have fantafied new " Orders at one time, at another MIs- " LIKE their Own ; in fuch confufed " Diforders of any Government, what " may be thought mull enfue to that State ? &c. This Speech was delivered feveral Years before the Rife of the Browns, which Mr. N. places in the Year 158r. So that all this Uncertainty and Varie- ty attended their Schemes, even before that grandDivifion among them. We find a like Account in Mr. Strype's Life of Whit -Life of 1[hitgift. " The Difciplina- s'f`' P. 147' " rians had this Year drawn up a more "G''ssf' precife and exact 'Platform of Difci- pline (as they imagined) for the " Govern-