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02827 the Church and in the Admonition, only three Ofii fomted' cers in the Puritanical Church; Paflors, fame, Lay-Elders, and Deacons. But why P.h13 Book does Mr. N. take no Notice of DoEtors? Travers, with Were not a confiderable Party of Puri- a Dedication tans for having Do&ors, as a fourth byCartmright.Sort or Order of Church Officers ? Were not Cartwright, Travers, and many leading Puritans, of this Opinion ? Did they not make them of divine Appoint- ment ? " Let us follow ( Jay they) that " certain Rule which the Lord bath " prefcribed. Let Pallors andDOCTORS " be affigned unto Churches, who are only the ordinary and perpetual " Minifters of the Word of God, ap- " pointed to the Edification of the " Church." Soon after it is added, " Let us fetch the Manner andFaíhion " of our examining, chuffing, and or- " daining, out of the Scriptures. Let " DoEtors be appointed to teach and " catechife the rude and ignorant. Let " Pallors be ordained to minifter the " Sacraments, and apply the gene- " ral Dolrine to the particular Ufes " and Occafions of the Church. Mr. Fuller makes a Remark, that the Liturgy was f apportce1 by its Op- pofèrs : In Confirmation of which, he relates a pretty remarkable Story. Church xi( ." Some complain'd aft theLiturgy Lib. IX. P g p. 178. cc to