Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 2$4 " änd agreeable to the Word of God " (yet fo as we may be farft fatisfied in " the things here-under noted) and de- " fire the fame, fo acknowledged by " us, to be further'd by all lawful " Means ; that, by publick Authority " of the Magifirate, and ofour Church, " it may be ofabli/h'd." A very me- thodical Proceeding ; eftablifh it Aft, then fettle and adjuft it! The ,2,ueen herfelf was fo much cons cern'd in fupporting the ¶Proteftant .Efablifhment, that it is but Juftice to her Memory, fince her Condu& has been impeached, to lay before the Reader the Maxims upon which that wife I'rin- refs proceeded. Thefe are preferved to us in an authentick MS. containing a Meffage the fent upon this Subjeó to, the Houfe of Commons. via. N's HILL. This ought to be quoted at length, P. 48" becaufe Mr. N. has given a very im- perfect Abridgment, omitting fome of the molt material Parts of it, and yet marks it, as if it was exactly and compleatly quoted. Life of Whet- "Her Majefty is fully refolved, of gift, p. 26 °. " her own Reading and Princely yudg " ment, upon the Truth of the Refor- " mation, which we have already ; and " mindeth not now to begin to fettle ` herfelf, in Caufes of Religion. " Her