C285I Her Majefty hath been confirmed " in her Paid Judgment of the prefent CC Reformation, by the Letters and " Writings of the mollfamous Men in " Chriflendom, as well of her own " Dominions, as of other Countries. " Her Majefty thinks it very uncon- " venient, and dangerous, while our " Enemies are labouring to overthrow " the Religion eflablifhed, asfalfe and " erroneous, that we, by new Difpu- " tations, thould feem our (elves to " doubt thereof. Her Majefty hath fully confder'd, " not only of the Exceptions that are " made againft the prefent Reformati- " on, and doth find them frivolous, " but alfo of the Platform that is " defired, and accounteth it molt pre- " judicial unto the Religion eflablifhed, cc to her Crown, to her Government, CC and to HER SUBJECTS. " Her Majefty thinketh, that tho' " it were granted, that foam Things " were amifs in the Church, yet feeing " the is fully perfuaded, and knoweth " it to be true, that for the very Sub- " fiance and Grounds of true Religion, cc no Man living can juftly controul " them; to make every Day NEW " Laws in Matters of Circumflances, $` and of lefs Moment (efpeciallytouch- " ing