Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 288 `` the Battle, the Lord keep you cones " fiant, that yeyield neither to TOLE- " RATION, neither to any other fubtil " Perfuafions of Difpenfations, or Li- cc cences, which were to fortify their cc .Romifh Practices : But, as youfight " the Lord's Fight, be valiant. " The Matter is not fo finall as the " World Both take it ; it will appear, " before all be ended, what an hard cc s thing it is to cute the Rags of the " Hydra of Rome.---Let us not make cc the Heritage of God as a Bird of ma- `` ny Colours, holding of divers Reli- " gions but rather let us take away, " if we can, the Names, Memories, 6C and all Monuments of Popery." Who were meant by this Defcription, in the Tear 157o, needs noExplanation. The BiJhops and Clergy of the Church of England were then conílantly repre- fented as bearing the Names, and fupporting the .Monuments of Popery. Agreeably to this Exhortation of YIELD- ING to no Toleration, nor accepting any Indulgence, in all their Petitions, Ad- monitions, Supplications, &c. we fee nothing of a Toleration for themfelves only, but their fingle Requelt or Com- mand, in which ever Stile they fpeak, is, the abfolute Overthrow of the efia- blifhed Government and Worfhip, and the