Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

22 cc If they offer'd Battle with the " Almains, there was great doubt how cc England wouldbe able to fuftain it, " both for lack of good Generals and cc Great Captains, and principally for cc lackof People, confidering theWafte cc that had lately been by Sicknefs and " Death there three laft Years." Thus far that Great Man. There was foon after the Queen's Acceffion a Plan drawn for effecting a Reformation. It is needlefs to tranfcribe the Whole, which is to be feen in Bithop Burnet's .Hiftory of the Reformation, but more corre& in the Appendix to Mr. Strype's Annals of ,Queen Elizabeth, Vol. I. However, as this is a Paper of Confe- quence and Authority, we shall. tran- fcribe that Part which contains the juft Reprefentations of the Dangers that were likely to follow a Reformation. vol. T. Ap " What Dangers may enfue upon. the Pen' 1'. 4. ," Alteration ? " I. The Bithop of Rome, all that cc he may, will be incenfed ; he will excommunicate the Queen's Highnefs, `c interdil the Realms, and give it to cc Prey to all Princes that will enter up- " on it, and incite them thereto by all manner of Means. ti` II. The FrenchKing will be encou- raged more to the War, and make his