[ 294 Perfons with whom they- were engag- ed. The true Queflion is not, how a particular Nan a&ed in a particular Cafe ? but whether the Eftablifhment of the Proteftant Church of England was founded upon a )uft and proper .oafs ? and if it was, then they were culpable who endeavour'd to fubvert it, and juflly obnoxious to the State, if they endeavour'd that Subverfion by illegal Methods and Vie/once. Queen Elizabeth's is univerfally ac- knowledged to be a very wife and care- ful ildminiflration. 'Tis therefore no Wonder, that finch an Adminifiratiot endeavour'd fo fupport fo good an Ella blifhment, not indeed abfolutely per- fee, but greatly preferable to anyother propofed by its Adverfaries. The 2ueen and her Miniftry had too great a Re- gard both for the IIntereft of Religion, and theSafety of the State, not tohave force publick Efiablifllment ; and when they had one, which was the Re¡ult of much Con/ideration, and had now been appointed, the third Time by the Legiflature, they would not fuffer it to be violently overthrown, without know- ing what was to be introduced in the Place of it ; or how the Throne it felf could be fife in fuck an important Alteration. This