r 300 ] No Pfalms, or Paraphrafe on the Lord's Prayer, at the End of the Litany, There are twoEditions of this Exhortation, &c. in St.Yohn's Library, Cam- bridge; one printed in 1544, the other in 15-46; in neither of thefe are any Pfalms, or Paraphrafe on the Lord's Prayer. N's Hilt. p. 47. ' The Book of Homilies con- ' filled of Twelve Difcourfes on the following Ar- 6 guments. Mr. N's Titles. i. Concerning The Ufe of the Scriptures. 2. Of the Mifery of Mankind, by Sin. 3. Of their Salvation by Chrift. Real Titles. I. A Fruitful Exhortation to the Reading of Holy Scripture. z. Of the Miferyof Man- kind, by Sin. 3. Of the Salvation of all Mankynde. There are fome other Variations in other Articles; but this is particularly taken Notice of to thew the Sentiments of the firfi Reformers upon univerfal Redemption. One of the Injunétions that follow confirms this, where it is direaied, that Erafmus's Paraphrafe should be fet up in every Church. N's Hift. p. 49. ' How fadly this Bidding of Prayer has been abufed of late by fome Divines, ' to the ENTIREOmi,aon of the Duty itfell; is too well known to need a Remark. Are there no Prayers then in the Church of Eng- land, unlefs they are offered by the Minitter in the Pulpit? The molt that can be inferred is, that the Clergyman who preaches does not ufe any Prayer in the Pulpit, except the Lord's Prayer. But fure the Duty of Prayer is not entirely omitted, when almolt an Hour has been before employed in that very Duty. N's Hi(}. p. so. ' The Parliament that met, ' November 9. (the Statute-Book Pays November 4.) made an Aá concerning the Admiffion of Bithops ' into their Sees, which fets forth, that the Manner of