Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

F of chufing Bithops by a Conge d'Eure, being but ' the Shadow of an Ele&ion, all Bithops hereafter hhall be appointed by the King's Letters Patents only, and (hall continue the Exercife of their Yu- ' rifdiflion DURANTE BENEPLACITO, or durante ' vita naturali, fitamdiu fe benege_(ferint. 'Tis a Ilrange Liberty this Gentleman takes with the Laws of his Country. Is there a tingle Word like this in theStatute it Pelf, or in B. Burnet's Abridg- ment of it ? The Words ofthis Statute, i Edw. b. c. 2. are there. ' Be it Ena.ed That from hence- ` forth no Conge d'E/ire be granted, nor Ele&ion of any Archbifhop, or Bifhop, by the Dean and ' Chapter made, but that the King may, by his Let- ` ters Patents, at all Times, when any Archbifhop- ' rick or Bifhoprick is void, confer the fame to any ' Perlon whom the King (hall thinkmeet; thewhich ' Collation fo by the King's Letters Patents made ' and delivered to the Perron to whom the King ' thall confer the fame, Archbifhoprick pr Bifhop- rick, or to the fucient Pro&or and Attorney, (hallflared to ALL Intents, Confiruílions andPur- ` pofes, to as much and the fameEffeé , as tho' Conge ' d'Elire had been given, the Election duly made, and the Caine confirmed, and thereupon the faid ' Perlon to whom the faid Archbithoprick, Bifhop- rick, or Suffraganthip, is fo conferred, collated, or given, may be confecrated, andfue his Livery, ' or Oufier le main, and do other things, as well as if the laid Ceremonies and Eleflions had been done and made." Mr. N. adds in the fame Page, ' One of the firfl Patents with this Claufe ' is that of Dr. Barlow --- in the Second Year of ' the King's Reign ; but all the refi of the Bithops afterwards took out Letters Patents for their Bi- ' fhopricks with the fame Claufe." Bifhop Burnet,yol.11.p. rfa: in the Seventh Year of the King's Reign, fays, Ridley and Thirlbey were made Bifhops of London and Norwich. ' Both were, according to the coaaa- ' mon Form, to be Bithops durante vita naturali, during Life." ' Mr. N. goes on : ' In this the Archbifhop had a principal Hand ; for it was his Judgment, that the Exercife of all Epifcopal Ju- rifdi&ion depended upon the Pance ; and that as ' he