302 ` he gave it, he might retrain it, or take it away at ` his Pleajure." This Affertion is fupported by no Quotation ; and yet Mr. N. affirms in his Preface, he has cited his Asithorities in the Margin. The Ad of Parliament above quoted fufliciently explains the Nature and Defign of thefe Letters. Bifhop Burnet makes the following Remark upon the Subje&. Hift.Reform.' By thefe Letters Patents it is clear, that the Epif- p 218. ` copal FunEtion was acknowledged to be of divine Appointment; and that the Perfon was no other ` way named by the King, than as Lay Patronspre- ' fent to Livings; only theBifhop was legallyautho- rized in fucha Part of the King's Dominions to execute that Funtlion, which was to be derived to ` to him by Impofition ofHands. Therefore here was no Pretence for denying that fuch Perlons were ` true Byhops, and for laying, as force have done, ` that theywere not from Chrift, but from theKing." In the next Page, Sr. Mr. N. ofrerts a Fa& abfo- lutely falfe, which he pretends to ground upon the fameStatute (viz. i Edw. 6. c. z.) that was or ought to have been before him. His Affertion is this: ' By ' this Law Caufes concerning Wills and Marriages ' were removed into theCourts ofWeftminfierHall. The Reverieofthis is true; thefe Caufes were con- tinued in the Ecclefiaftical Courts, and the manner of Proceeding there only regulated. The Words of the Statute are thele: ' Be it ena&ed, that all Sum- ` mops andCitations, or other Procefs Ecclefzajtical in all Suits and Caufes of Inftance betwixt Party and Party, and all Caufes of CorreEtion, and all Caufes of BaJtardy or Bigamy, or Inquiry de jure ' patronatos, Probates of 2eftaments, and Commiffi- ' ons of Adminiftrations of Perlons deceafed; and ' all Acquittances ofand uponAccounts made by the ` Executors, Adminiflrators, or Colle&ors of Goods ' ofany dead Perlon, be from the firft Day of July next following made in the Name, and with the ' Stile of the King, as it is in Writs original or ju- ' dicial, at the common Lave. And that the Tefte ' thereof be in theName of theArchbi/hopor Bithop, ' or other having Ecclefaaftical Jurifdi&ion, &c. Howmanifeft is the Abfurdity, to fuppofe theT'efte of