Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 303 3 of a Writ fromWeflminfler Hall could be in the Name of a Bfhop, who hadno manner of Authority orJurifdi&ion there ! And how obvious therefore mat it be, that Procefs Eccleftaflical, with a retie from a Bifhop, could only be in Ecclefìatical Courts ! What an Idea do fuch Mifreprefentations give of the Hiflory of the Puritans? What Treatment of privateWriters are we to expe&, when an Author allows himfelf to give fuchAccountsofAels ofPar- liament? P. 5'3. Mr. N. has mitaken the Communion Offices publifhed in the Years 1548 and 15'49. He gives an imperfe&Account of that publifhed in15'48, leaving out feveral Parts of it, viz. theExhortation to make Confeffion ; feveral Texts of Scripture Bill ufed upon that Occafion; and, after thefe, the Prayer, We do not prefume, &c. This Form he men- tions as Part of the publick Liturgy, whereas that publithed with the Liturgy, in 15'49, differed in feve- ral material Particulars from that of 1548. A Copy of which is inSt. John's Library Cambridge. The Ru- bric to this Office of 1548 fays, that the Time ofthe Communionfhall be immediately after that the Priefl himfelf bath received the Sacrament, without the va- rying any other Rite or Ceremony of the Mafi, until other Order (hall be provided. Which was otherwife ordered in the Year following, for then Auricular Confeflion was truck out; the Priet took the Sa- crament, and, without readingany Exhortation after taking it himfelf, gave it to the People, as now di- re&ec in our prefent Liturgy. P. 5'6. contains an Account of theDifputesabout the Vetments. It has been already obferved, that Mr. N has fuppret part of BithopBarnet's Reafon- ingupon that Subje&, for the Habits; he has at the fame time added to that Account the Bithop gives of theArguments againt theHabits ; but thewort Part is, the rude and uncharitable Cenfure he pafles upon thofe Divines who were willing to make theCom- munion of the Church as extenfive as theycould---- He defcribes them in this Manner : ' Thofe Divines that had flay'd in England, and weathered the Storm of