Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 304 onKing Henry's Tyranny, by ,a politic Compliance, ` and Concealment of their Opinionsj' For this Language, he quotes no Author. N's Hal. p, 57. a It ought to be obferved, that ' this Service-Book was not laid before the Con- ' vocation, nor any Reprefentative Body of the ' Clergy : And whereas it is faid to be done by one uniform Agreement, 'tis certain, that Four of the Bithops employed in drawing it, protefted againft it. Whether this Book had the formal Appro- bation of the Clergy in Convocation, or not, 'tis certain by the Preamble, that theñrchbzfhop of Can- terbury, and other learned and difcreet Bifhops, and other learned Men of this Realm, did conclude, fet forth, and deliver to the King the Book of Com- mon Prayer, &c. As to the protefling Bithops, it had been more unexceptionable, if Mr. N. had quo- ted the wholeSentence relating to that Matter from Bithop Burnet; which runs thus. ' Others cenfured the Ali, becaufe it was faid to be done by uni- form Agreement, tho' Four of the Bithops, that ' were employed in the drawing of it, protefled ' againtl it. Thefe were the Bithops of Norwich Hereford, Chichefler, and Weflminfter." Here Mr. N. flops, tho' the Bithop goes on, ' But thefe had agreed in the main Parts of the Work, tho in fome few Particulars they were not fatisfied, ` which made them diffent from the whole. P. S9 ` The Popith Rebels (he Pays) fent the following Articles or Demands to the King. Some of thefe Mr. N. omits, and curtails others, particularly that remarkable one, which is the 7th Burnet Vol. ILwith him, but really the loth, ' That the Bible thould be called in, and prohibited. To which he thould have added their Reafon, fence otherwife the Clergy could not fo eafily confound the Hereticks. When Mr. N. was giving an Account of theNor- folk Rebellion, it had been very proper to have men- tioned the following Paffage, which lay before him Ibid, p. a18. in Bithop Burnet. ` Parker, afterwards Archbithop of Canterbury, came among the Rebels, and preached very freely to them of their ill Lives, ' their