[305] ` their Rebellion againft the King, and the Robberies they daily committed, by which he was in great 6 Danger of his Life. N's Hitt. p. 60. 6 Complaint being made to the Council, April 12. of force Anabaptitts that fled out of Germany into England from the Ruffle ` War, aCommifonwas ordered to the Archbithop ofCanterbury, the Bithops of Ely, Worcefter, Chi- ` chefler, Lincoln, Rochefier, and force other Divines, 6 any three being a Quorum. Thisdiffers in feveral Particulars from his Author. On the rzth of Aprii, there was a Complaint g,,rnetyol.Ir, 4 brought to the Council, that, with the Strangers p. r s 1. that were come into England, force of that Per- ` Illation (Anabaptit1s]. had come over, and were ` diffeminating their Errors, and making Profelytes; ` fo a Commiflìon was ordered for the Archbithop ` of Canterbury, the Bithopsof Ely, Worcefler, Wefí- 6 mintier, Chichefler, Lincoln, Rothefler, Sir William Petre, Sir Thomas Smith, (were thefe Divines ?) Dr. Cox, Dr. May, and force others, three of them being a Quorum. P. 6ç°. ' The fame Orders (viz, a Letter from ` the Council, to take away Altars) were given ` to the reti of the Bithops, as appears by the Col- ' legion in Bithop Sparrow. Nomention of any fuch thing in Bi(hopSparrow's Colle&ion, which, in King Edward's Reign, has the King's Injunctions, Order of Communion Service, Archbithop Cranmer's and Ridley's Ankles of Viti- tation, the Articles of Religion in Engl:fh and Latin, and no more. The Reafons given by Mr. N. are different in ma- ny Refpe&s from thofe BithopBurnet lays were given by theCouncil, in their Letter to Bp. Ridley. Mr. N. fays, his were the Reafons for the Alteration. Quere where he met with them? no Authority mentioned but Bithop Burnet, whogives other Reafons. N's Hift. p.68. 6 By the Oath Hooper refufed, is meant, the Oath of Supremacy. X Mr. Fuller,