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[306) Mr. Fuller, on the contrary, fays, ' what this Oath ' was (becaufenot expretl) is varioufly conjeaured; ` Parfons, to render Hooper more odious, will have it the Oath ofSupremacy; which, in my Opinion, is improbable, it being utterly unlikely, that the King would difpenfe with any from taking that Oath, ' wherein his own Dignity was fo nearly concerned. ' I conceive the Oath of canonical Obedience, &c. N's Hill. p. 69. Here is a very irnperfe&Account of the Reafons BishopRidley gave for the Habits ; at the fame Time, Additions made to thofe given by Bithop Hooper againfl them. They are both to be found in Fuller's Church Hiflory, Lib. VII. 404. This Difpute, railed by Bishop Hooper, was the Foundation of the Puritanical Controverfy; and therefore we are not to be furprized, that Mr.N Mould be very zealous in the Affair. P. 70. Mr. N's Words are thefe : ' In which Time (fay: Brfhop Burnet) the Matter was in fome fort compromifed. Hooper confenting to be robed in his Habits at his Confecration, and once ` at Court, but to be difpenfed with at other times. Hitl.Reform. TheBifhop's Words are thefe, andno other : ` The yo/.lt. p. 166.` Bufinefs of Hooper was now alfo fettled. He was ' to be attired in the Ve(lments that were prefcribed when he was confecrated, and when he preached before the King, or in his Cathedral, OR IN ANY PUBLICK PLACE; but he was difpenfed with upon ' other Occasions." Bishop Hooper, therefore, of whom fo great a Chara&er is given by Mr. N. is to be added to the conforming Clergy. He publickly wore thofe Velilments the Puritans re- fufed ; and was fo abfolutely againfl them, upon the Fuller's Article of Epifcopacy, that, with the Biflioprick of Church Hill. Gloucefler, he afterwards held the Bithoprickof lÿor- Lib. VII. teller in commendam. A Circumstance Mr. N. P. 4 °4 thought fit to fupprefs. But Mr. N. mentions others with him p. 71. Mott of the reforming Clergy were with Hooper this Controverfy. He