3°7 i He particularly names the Bifhops Latimer and Coverdale; Dr.raylor, Philpot, and Bradford; he then adds, and others, who laid down their Lives for the Protetlant Faith : And, to bring them all in, he fays, loon after, Cranmer and Ridley in fom:. Dr- dinations difpenfed with the Habits. Heapprehended very jutlly it would add great Credit to the Puritan Side of the Quetlion, if all thofe pious Martyrs who fuffered in Queen Mary's Reign were fuppofed to be Puritans. But this is an Honour of which all his Management can't rob the Church ofEngland; they died Members ofthat Church, for that Faith, Govern- ment, and Worfhip, which were ettablifhed in King Edward's Reign. Thefe they approved after they Memoir: were in Prifon, and for thefe they offered to ditpute.cranmer. But let us examine his Catalogue; the firfl is Bithop Latimer. Here Mr. Fuller diredly contradi&s him: Nor (fays that Hiftorian) have we any Caufe to Church Hits, fufpeft Latimer of Hooper's Opinion, as di ailing Lib. VII. ` Ceremonies." Coverdale was confecrated Bithop, p. 405. and continued fo all this Reign ; afterward( re r e- moved toGeneva, where he contra&ed Come Atl dli- on to their Form; but fo little was he with them in all Points, that, even after his Return, he afiitted at the Confecration of an Archbifhop, Dr. Parker. Thofe that follow, Dr.raylor, Philpot and Bradford, all died Members of the Church, and continued bene- ficed in it, 'till they were deprived in Queen Mary's Time. The Habits put upon Cranmer, Ridley, &c. when they were degraded, were thofe they had when they were ordained by the Popifh Bithops in King Henry's Reign; not thofe retained in the reformed Church of England, which were ditlinguith'd from the other. The Diflike they exprett at their Degrada- tion was to thofe PopifhHabits. ` Al l that ludicrous Burnet vol./1, ` Attire was taken, Piece after Piece, from him,p, 333, Cranmer, according to the Ceremonies of Degrada- tion which are in life in the Church of Rome." As toBithopHooper in particular, his Objedion feems chiefly to the Academical Drefs, the fcarlet Chimere, and the fquare Cap; nor did Bithop Hooper ever re- pent of his Submiflìon to the Habits. But foreign Divines are in like manner produced, in order to rapport this Caufe. X P.69