[309] vocation, as they ought to have been, and as the Title feems to exprefs. This is entirely confuted by ArchbifhopWake, who has examined thisMatter very fully; his Conclufion is this : ` Thefe Articles were prepared by the Au- State of the thority of the King and Council, and were agreedChurch, to in Convocation; and there fubfcribed by both P.599, 600. Houfes ; and fo prefently promulged by the King's Authority, according to Law. But Mr. N. goes on: ` When this (the Publica- '.tion of the Articles with fuch a Title) was object- ` ed to, by Archbilhop Cranmer, as a Fraud, in the next Reign he owned the Charge, but faid he was ignorant of the Title, and complained of it to the Council, &c. Together with the Articles, was publithed, a Catechifm; and what Mr. N. relates as concerning the Articles, belonged only to the Catechifm which was annexed to them. Wefton's Words to Cranmer, as related by Fox, are, ` Alfo you have let forth a Catechifm in the Name of the Synod ofLondon." To which Cranmer reply'd, ` I was ignorant of the fetting to of that Title." The Catechifm being joined with the other, it was, it feems, underflood as if both were agreed upon in Convocation ; and fo it was obje&ed toCranmer. In like Manner it was obferved by the Judges in Ridley's Difputation in the AEtS and Schools at Oxford, that the Catechifm was fo fet Monum. forth, as tho' the whole Convocation had agreed top, 969. it. But this does not relate to the Articles. 1's Hill. p. 75'. ` The next Work the Refor- mers were employed in a fecond Corre&ion of the Common-Prayer Book The daily Ser- vicebegan with a lhort Confefiìon of Sins. Not fo; the Daily Service, in the Review, be- gan, as it does now, with the Sentences and Ex- hortation ; then followed the Confelìon, &c. Vid. Book of Common -Prayer t j'f2. Bilhop Bur- net does not fay the Service began with the Con - fefíion; but that in the Daily Service they prepared a fhort, but moll Pimple and grave Form of a ge-Hirt Reform, neral Confeffion of Sins. But Mr. 1V, goes on,vol.11.P.269 .. X3 The