Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

3101 ` The Communion began with a Rehearfal of the Ten Commandments." A Miflake. The Com- munion vegan with the Prayer, ` Almighty God, unto whom all Hearts, &c. Via'. Liturgy t 552. Again, ` A Paule was made between the Rehear- ' fat of every Commandment, for the People's De- ` votions." The fame Refponfes were made as in our prefent Liturgy. . Bithop Burnet defcribes it in this manner. A Stop was made at every Com- Ilitl,Reform. ma,ndment for \ \the People's Devotion of imploring vol. II.p. 170. Mercy for their pail Offences, and Grace toobferve it for the Time to come. N's Hill. p. 79. ` A Paffage was left in the Pre- ' face of one of their Service Books, to this Pur- ` pofe,`I That they badgone as far as they could, in reforming the Church, confzdering the Times they ' lived in; and hoped that they that came after them, ` would, as they might, do more. Where is this to be met with? Is there any Pre- face in King Edward's, Queen Elizabeth's, King JameJ's, or the tail Review, that has this Paffage? P. So. Mr. N. gives a long Account of Martin Bucer's Sentiments. He places thefe in the rear s5'3, AFTER the Review of King Edward's Li- turgy; and he quotes BThop Burnet, Vol. 2. p.156. for his Authority. The Account Bit7mp Burnet gives of this Matter is BEFORE the Review in the Year rsso. ` Now (lays the Bilhop) a Review of ` the Common-Prayer Book was fet about : Martin Bucer was confulted in it ; upon which Bucer writ his Opinion. The Substance of it was, that he found all things in the Common Service and daily Prayers were clearly according to the Scrip- ' tures." However, he advifed feveral Alterations, which the Bithop enumerates, and then adds, ` All this I have gathered out the more largely, that it ` may appear how carefully things were then confii- ` dered; and that alr,2ofl, in every Particular, the MOST MATERIAL things which BUCLR objeded to were Corre&ed afterwards. After there Corre&ions were made, viz. in the Year 1553, Mr. N. introduces Bucer as propoftng, that