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[ 31 ] that the old Popith Habits might be laid aftde; when he hitnfeif had told us from Mr. Strype, that the Tear before i ;j2, ` All Copes and Velirnents were forbidden throughout England. The Prebenda- ries of St. Paul's left off their Hoods, and the Bithops their Croffes, c. as by ACI of Parliament is more at large fet forth. .N's Hift. p.76. What Management is this, in order to make fo great a Man as Bucer obje& to thofe very things which were altered by his Advice and Direction ? Bucer, as appears in Bithop Burnet, objected in the Year i so to the firft Liturgy, which was accord- ingly altered. Mr. N. places his Objeátions in ijj3, which could only be againtt the Book cor- rected by his Advice, the fecond Liturgy. N's Hitt. p. St. ` Nor was Cranmer fatisfied with the Liturgy, tho' it had been twice reform- ` ed, if we may give Credit to the learned Bailin- ` ger, who told the Exiles at Francfort, that the Archbithop had drawn up a Book of Prayers an hundred times more perfe& than that which was then in Being; but the fame could not take Place, for that he was matched with fuch a wicked Cler- gy and Convocation, and other Enemies. This groundlefs StoryMr. N. mentions without the leaft Appearance of Diltruft, tho' the Author fromwhom he takes it calls it an improbable Re- strype's Lire port. The fame Author has given us the real Sen- of Cranmer. timents of the Archbithop. ` The Great and Good strype's Ann. Archbithop Cranmer's judgment of K. Edward's EItz. Ivol.1. Book of Common-Prayer may .deferve here to p.86. have a Place. When Bithop Gardiner would have fortified his corrupt Doctrine of the Sacrament out of that Book, and afferted, that the receiving of the Body andBlood of Christ into our Mouths, was a Teaching fet forth there, and there Catho- lickly fpoken of, the faid Archbithop thus anfwer- ` ed, That the Book of Common Prayer neither ufed any fuch Speech, nor taught any Inch Do- ` thine; and that he [the Archbithop] did not in any Point improve [ i. e. difprove ] that Godly ` Book, nor vary from it; and that no Man could miflike it, that had any Godlinefs in him Sow with X