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C 312 Mem, Cron. ` with Knowledge." Again the fame Author, ` It was a brave and generous A61, worthy the Chief Bithop of the EnglfJh Church; I mean, that pub- ` lick Challenge which he made to maintain the Common-Prayer Book, and other Parts of the Re- ' formation [preces communesEcclefia/licas, admini- ` firationemfacramcum c.eteris Ritibus&Ceremoniis, ` Dodrinamuniverfam ac Religionis ordinemconflitu- ` tam a jupremo noflro Domino Rege Edwardofexto] ` by the Scripture and Fathers, in open Difputation alaintl whomfoever, iftheQueen fo pleated to per- ` mit him." This publicChallenge is found in Bithop Burnet, Üol.II. p.249. Append. Thus plain it is, that A.rchbifhop Cranmer had no fuch Sentiments of the Liturgy as are imputed to him. N's Hitl. p. 96. ` It is faid, that Cardinal Pool was for gentler Methods of IntIruélion and Perfuafion, which is very doubtful. Doubtful with whom, but fuch as are unwilling to allow any good Qualities in an Adverfary ? Men fo different as Mr. Collier and Mr. Raps:, concur in a good Opinion of the Cardinal's Moderation. The latter exprelies himfelf in this manner. ` Pool was of Opinion, that gentle Methods were to be made ufe of rather than Force; thinking that this ` would only inflame, inllead of removing the Di- ' flemper; and that the moll that could be expe&ed ` from it would only be the encreafing the Number Church Hill.` of Hypocrites." Rapin Vol. VIII. p. t 80. Fuller Lib, VIII. fpeaks to the fame Purpofe; and BithopBurnet eon- 4 l firms thisAccount of Cardinal Pool, giving him the Hift.Reform.Chara&ler of a/earned, modelt, humble, good- natured Vol, i1. p. 367. Man; gentle to the reformed: The Candour of the Bithop upon this Occafion deferves our Notice. ` I have dwelt the more copioufly (fays he) upon C. Pool's Chara&er, being willing to deny to none of whom I write thePraifes that are due to them." But the Hiflory of the Puritans would not imitate fuch an Example, nor fuffer the Cardinal's known Character to pars, tho' no Authority is quoted, nor anyReafon given againfl it. N's Hift.