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313 N's Hill. p. ioz. 4 The Number of them who fuffered Death for the reformed Religion inQueen Mary's Reign were no lefs than z77 Perfons. This Account of the Sufferers is taken from Col.Eccl.Hiftory, lier'sHiflory, tho' not quoted, whomMr.N. himfelfP 397. declaresoffufpe&ed Authority (Preface p. t 5.) Bifhop Burnet reckons 284. But Mr. Strype has preferved Memor. an exa& Catalogue of the Numbers, thePlaces, the v01.111,2%291. Times of the Executions. Thegeneral Sums are as Append. follow. r 5fS 7t Total z88, betides thofe Ann. S that dyed of Famyne in t- 8 fondry Prifons. ISS8 4o y N's Hifl. p. tog. ' The Exiles were moll nu- ' tnerousat Francfort, where that Contefl and Divifi- on began which gave rife to the Puritans. So much has been wrote upon the unhappy Con- troverfy at Francfort, that it is needlefs to detain the Reader long upon that Subje6l. Mr. N. Pays, Dr. Cox and his Friends difcovered an ill Spirit in that Affair, and lays the whole Blame upon thofe pious Exiles, who were perfuaded, that it was doing great Injury to their fuffering Brethren in England, to pour Con- tempt upon King Edward's Reformation, when they were layingdown their Lives for it; and that this would give their Adverfaries an Opportunity to charge them with Inconstancy, and to triumph over them. It is allowed by Mr. ZV himfelf, that theMa- jorityofthe Congregationforbad Mr. Knox topreach : That the Magifirates defired him to remove out of the City of Francfort: That the fame Magifirates, who could not be thought partial to Dr. Cox and his Friends, allowed them the ufe of the Church, and likewife permitted them the free Ufe of King Edward's Service-Book, which the other Party Paid would not be allowed. Grindal is likewife an un- exceptionable Evidence in this Cafe; he writes thus to Bithop Ridley from Francfort: ` The greatefl Life of Grin- ' Number is at Francfort, where I was at this prefent dal, p.12. by Occafion : A very fair City, theMagifirates fa- vourable to our People, with fo many other Corn- modifies